Generic Steps

using MyProjectWith_Entities;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;

namespace NAMESPACE_TESTS.Steps
    public class Generic_Steps
        public static XrmContext CRM { get; set; }
        public static IOrganizationService service { get; set; }

        public Generic_Steps()
            CRM = new XrmContext();
            service = CRM.FakeXrmContext.GetOrganizationService();

        #region GIVEN STEPS

        [Given(@"the entity ""(.*)"" known as (.*) exists with the fields")]
        public void GivenEntityNameKnownAs(string entityname, string known, Table fields)

            Entity entity = new Entity(entityname);

            foreach (var row in fields.Rows)

                var key = row["Field"];
                var value = row["Value"];
                CRM.AddAttributeToEntity(key, value, entityname, ref entity);
            CRM.AddEntityToMockCRM(known, entity);

        [Given(@"the entity name contains primary attribute name")]
        public void GivenEntityNameWithPrimaryNameField(Table table)
            foreach (var row in table.Rows)
                var entity = row["Field"];
                var attribute = row["Value"];


        #region THEN STEPS
        [Then(@"The fields should be ""(.*)""")]
        public void ThenTheFieldsShouldBe(string value)
            var _value = CRM.Bag.ContainsKey("Result") ? CRM.Bag["Result"] : "";
            Assert.AreEqual(_value, value);

        [Then(@"The entity should be a ""(.*)""")]
        [Then(@"The entity should be an ""(.*)""")]
        public void ThenTheEntityShouldBe(string logicalName)
            Entity entity = CRM.Bag.ContainsKey("Result") ? (Entity)CRM.Bag["Result"] : null;
            Assert.AreEqual(entity.LogicalName, logicalName);

        [Then(@"The fields should be")]
        public void ThenTheFieldsShouldBe(Table fields)
            Entity entity = CRM.Bag.ContainsKey("Result") ? (Entity)CRM.Bag["Result"] : null;
            bool pass = true;
            foreach (var row in fields.Rows)
                if (!pass) { continue; }
                var key = row["Field"];
                var value = row["Value"];

                if (entity.Attributes.Count > 0 && entity.Attributes.Contains(key) && entity.Attributes[key] != null)
                    var attribute = entity.Attributes[key];
                    var fieldSource = CheckAttribute(key, entity)?.ToString();
                    if (fieldSource != value.ToLower())
                        pass = false;


        [Then(@"The fields should not be ""(.*)""")]
        public void ThenTheFieldsShouldNotBe(string value)
            var _value = CRM.Bag.ContainsKey("Result") ? CRM.Bag["Result"] : "";
            Assert.AreNotEqual(_value, value);

        [Then(@"the field ""(.*)"" should be null")]
        public void ThenTheFieldShouldBeNull(string field)
            Entity entity = CRM.Bag.ContainsKey("Result") ? (Entity)CRM.Bag["Result"] : null;
            var fieldSource = CheckAttribute(field, entity)?.ToString();


        [Then(@"the field ""(.*)"" should not be null")]
        public void ThenTheFieldShouldNotBeNull(string field)
            Entity entity = CRM.Bag.ContainsKey("Result") ? (Entity)CRM.Bag["Result"] : null;
            var fieldSource = CheckAttribute(field, entity)?.ToString();


        [Then(@"the (.*) on attribute ""(.*)"" should have (.*) ""(.*)""")]
        public void ThenTheEntityOnAttributeShouldHaveXRecords(string targetname, string attribute, int number, string entitynameToCheck)
            Entity entity = (Entity)CRM.Bag[targetname];

            //  Query using ConditionExpression and FilterExpression
            ConditionExpression conditionentity = new ConditionExpression();
            conditionentity.AttributeName = attribute;
            conditionentity.Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal;

            FilterExpression filterexp = new FilterExpression();

            QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(entitynameToCheck);

            var entitiesRetrieved = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
            var countEntities = 0;
            if (entitiesRetrieved.Entities != null && entitiesRetrieved.Entities.Count > 0)
                countEntities = entitiesRetrieved.Entities.Count;
                Assert.AreEqual(entitynameToCheck, entitiesRetrieved.Entities[0].LogicalName, $"The result is {entitiesRetrieved.Entities[0].LogicalName} but is should have been {entitynameToCheck}");

            Assert.AreEqual(number, countEntities, $"The item numbers are different it has been {countEntities} instead {number}");


          [Then(@"the Result should not be null")]
        public void ThenTheResultShouldNotBeNull()
            var resultBag = CRM.Bag.ContainsKey("Result") ? (string)CRM.Bag["Result"] : null;


        [Then(@"the Result should be null")]
        public void ThenTheResultShouldBeNull()
            var resultBag = CRM.Bag.ContainsKey("Result") ? (string)CRM.Bag["Result"] : null;


        [Then(@"the Result should be ""(.*)""")]
        public void ThenTheResultShouldBe(string result)
            var resultBag = CRM.Bag.ContainsKey("Result") ? (string)CRM.Bag["Result"] : null;

            Assert.AreEqual(result, resultBag);

        [Then(@"the service should have an entity (.*) with fields")]
        public void ThenTheServiceShouldHaveAnEntityWithFields(string entityname, Table fields)
            string getEntityRecords = $@"<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>
  <entity name='{entityname}'>
            var entities = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(getEntityRecords));
            bool pass = false;
            foreach (var entity in entities.Entities)
                if (pass) { continue; }
                foreach (var row in fields.Rows)

                    var key = row["Field"];
                    var value = row["Value"];

                    if (entity.Attributes.Count > 0 && entity.Attributes.Contains(key) && entity.Attributes[key] != null)
                        var attribute = entity.Attributes[key];
                        var fieldSource = CheckAttribute(key, entity)?.ToString();
                        pass = fieldSource == value.ToLower() ? true : false;



        [Then(@"the service should have (.*) records of the entity (.*)")]
        public void ThenTheServiceShouldHaveXRecordsOfEntity(int records, string entityname)
            string getEntityRecords = $@"<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>
            <entity name='{entityname}'>
            var entities = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(getEntityRecords));
            Assert.AreEqual(records, entities.Entities.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(entityname.ToLower(), entities.Entities[0].LogicalName.ToLower());


        #region GENERIC FUNCTIONS

        public string CheckAttribute(string field, Entity entity)
            var attribute = entity.Attributes[field];
            var fieldSource = string.Empty;
            switch (attribute.GetType().Name)
                case "EntityReference":
                    var fieldReference = ((EntityReference)attribute);
                    if (fieldReference != null && fieldReference.Id != Guid.Empty)
                        var mainField = GetPrimaryFieldName(fieldReference.LogicalName);
                        var fieldName = service.Retrieve(fieldReference.LogicalName, fieldReference.Id, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(new string[] { mainField }));
                        fieldSource = fieldName?.Attributes[mainField]?.ToString()?.ToLower();
                        fieldSource = null;
                case "OptionSetValue":
                    fieldSource = ((OptionSetValue)attribute)?.Value.ToString()?.ToLower();
                case "DateTime":
                    fieldSource = ((DateTime)attribute) != null ? ((DateTime)attribute).ToString()?.ToLower() : null;
                    fieldSource = attribute?.ToString()?.ToLower();
            return fieldSource;

        public static string GetPrimaryFieldName(string entityname)
            RetrieveEntityRequest retrievesEntityRequest = new RetrieveEntityRequest
                EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Entity,
                LogicalName = entityname

            //Execute Request
            RetrieveEntityResponse retrieveEntityResponse = (RetrieveEntityResponse)service.Execute(retrievesEntityRequest);
            // Gets the primaryid attribute
            // var idFieldName = retrieveEntityResponse.EntityMetadata.PrimaryIdAttribute;

            // Gets the primary field name
            return retrieveEntityResponse.EntityMetadata.PrimaryNameAttribute;


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